One of those days...

by Making Waves on Wednesday, 22 May 2013

I received my university results from the past few months yesterday. This has probably happened to a lot of people in life, unless you're extremely talented, but after months of long hours and dedication it just didn't seem like I was getting the grade that I was wanting.

Maybe I am a little hard on myself. It has been said to me a few times in the past that I beat myself up. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have passed, it just seems that as a graphic designer, the hours put in to your work don't always seem apparent to a lot of people. Something so 'simple' makes people think it was done in a few hours when it took a few weeks.

Although I'm very critical of my work I am also a person that believes in taking the criticism and building on it and becoming better. After all, I am a student with a lot of learning to do and this frustrating grade is just another trigger to make me work unbelievably hard to get to where I want to be.

But if you're reading this and are a graphic designer or a graphic design student yourself then please, give me any or all the advice that you can. I know I need to improve to get that first degree.

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